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"For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ hath not wrought by me, to make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed, Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God..." Romans 15:18-19
Due to time constraints we have not been able to up date this page since 3/9/09.
Posted 3/9/09 Two weeks ago at the shelter, Elaine prayed for a lady who had terrible throbbing headaches continually, and was unable to sleep well. The lady returned today for the church service totally well and staying healed. When Eliane had prayed for her, she grabbed the lady and shook her. So today she asked the lady if she was scared when that happened. The lady replied, "ACtually no, because I felt a warm presence come all over me. I knew it was the touch of the Lord healing me."
Posted 1/4/09 Our brother Paul's mother was taken seriously ill to the hospital. Upon arrival the doctors said all of her vital functions were shutting down. In other words she was dying. We immidiately stood on God's Word for healing along with other brothers and sisters in the Lord including our affiliate churches in Kenya. His mom in only a few days was fully recovered and out of the hospital. The doctors insisted she go for 3 weeks of therapy and will retun home in about a week. Praise the Lord for he is faithful and just to watch over and perform his Word.
Posted 11/16/08 Some time ago Eliane had a cyst come up on her eyelid. We prayed over that situation and anointed her with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus. Although it took quite awhile, almost a year; we are delighted to report the Lord has totally healed her and her eyelid is back to normal. Not a big thing you say? It is if you are the one with the cyst. Praise the Lord; he heals the little things as well as the big things if we will stand in faith.
Posted 11/09/08 The last time we were at the jail we prayed for a girl who had a very swollen jaw that was very bad. We learned the reason was that a former boyfriend had beaten her up and broke her jaw which required extensive surgery to fix. Two steel plates had been placed in her jaw and occassionaly with movement they would irritate her jaw and cause pain and swelling. When we returned this week she told us the same day we prayed for her the pain and swelling left and has not returned.
Posted 9/3/08 Just returning from Brazil we would like to report at least one miracle. You can read about the rest of them as we update the 2008 report (which will be taken off on our return from next year's trip). There was a fellow in the church prayer line who was diagnosed with cancer in his cheek. Eliane had a word from the Lord that the God would heal him if he would forgive a person in his life who had done him wrong in a business deal.
The fellow had to think about it for a minute or two, but finally agreed and we led him in a forgiveness prayer. Nothing happened right then, but upon our return home we called some people from the church and they were elated to tell us he had been back to the hospital and new tests showed the cancer had completely disappeared. The Lord is faithful!
Posted 3/30/08 We had another miralce at the jail today. We prayed for an inmate in isolation who was hearing voices, continually shaking hands, nightmares and suffered with his left arm and shoulder not moving well and only with great pain. He was already born again but obviously in a back slidden condition, so he repented of all his sins and forgave everyone who had wronged him. Then we prayed for him and immdeiately his shoulder and arm were free of pain and he could move them. Praise the Lord. We are believing when we return and if he is still there, the Lord will have done much moe for him.
Posted 2/3/08 Today a great miracle occured at the Montague Co. Jail. When we arrived the first cell we went to was no. 18 where we had prayed for an inmate's mother two weeks ago. She was in the hospital and dying of cancer. Upon our arrival the jailer opened the bean hole (place through which they pass food and we talk to the inmates) and we heard a loud voice from within saying, "Wait just a minute, I'll be right there; I've got great news to tell you." He soon arrived and told us his relatives called him at the jail and told him his mother was home and the cancer was completely gone! Another inmate who was there at the time confirmed the phone call and the message. All the glory be to God.
Posted 12/9/07 We have been pressed with time and haven't updated this page for some time, but today at the jail a trusty who was being released tomorrow came to the Lord. Eliane was about to pray for him and had a word from the Lord to place her hands on him and immediately he would feel God do something for him. Before she prayed, she told him that. As she obeyed the Lord, immediately he began sweating profusely and feeling the presence of the Lord flow through him. It's a day he will never forget and a great way to start his new life through the new birth and new life outside of prison.
Posted 12/29/06 Last Sunday we visited the jail on Christmas day. It was our best Christmas in quite a while even though it took 9 1/2 hours to finish. We have been praying for a long time that God's presence would be so strong in there, and where ever we go, that people would come running and begging to know how to be saved. We wouldn't even have to preach. We've seen hints of this before, (see 4/25/06) but last Sunday two girls whom we have ministered to on several occasions before, began crying profusely and asking to be saved!
Another inmate who hadn't heard from her brother for many years because of bitterness, called her at the jail and reconcilation occurred. Also, an inmate who had a serious drug problem reported that after we prayed for him and cast the spirit of drugs out of him, he no longer has even the slightest desire for drugs. Praise the Lord!
Posted 12/04/06 Several weeks ago we prayed with a woman in jail who had a sister she hadn't spoken to in years because of a disagreement. We prayed that the sister would contact her and old hurts would be broken. Yesterday we got the report the lady's sister called her and they were reunited.
Posted 8/23/06 Last week at the jail just as I was about to enter the outer area of the women's cell, the jailer rushed in as a young lady was having a seizure. I felt it prudent to wait outside until they attended to her. When they left I entered and noticed the girl was sort of spaced out from the attack.
However, I was able to determine from her these seizures were a problem all her life. I began to share the word with her, building her faith, and to make a long story short, the demon was cast out and she returned to her right mind. By the end of my visit she was singing along with the gospel songs and clapping her hands to the music. Now she knows Jesus not only as her Saviour, but her Deliverer as well!
Posted 7/31/06 Eliane parked her car next to the shop where she works. A lady ran the red light, hit another car which spun into the parking lot and hit Eliane's car which rammed into the building and made a hole in it. The attending officer said if her car hadn't of been there, the lady's car would have gone completely into the building. And Eliane's car? Only a few scratches on the fender. It was truely a miracle of the Lord and confirms the angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear him. The other two cars were totaled. We are praising God for his protection. The lady who ran the red light is in jail, illegal, with no papers, or insurance.
Posted 4/25/06 Last Sunday when we ministered at the jail, the Lord was moving through Eliane at almost every cell with words of knowledge. In answer to fervent and effectual prayer we saw inmates calling out to us from isolation cells to come and speak with them. One fellow who had been there previously, was convicted by the Spirit to return to Montague County and turn himself in on a different charge.
One girl had been in and out of jail several times. She had been receiving medication, was told she was crazy, was acting the way she did to get drugs, etc. What a shame counselors have no knowledge of the word of God. This poor girl suffered from demonic oppression for a long time until we came along with the word of God. Two weeks ago she showed us a paper she had written that was obviously motivated by the demons in her. Most of it was what is called "automatic writing." It works when the evil spirit inside takes control of the pencil and writes.
We explained to her what was going on i.e. that in her past she had opened the door for this evil spirit to enter. She repented and renounced that activity, got born again, and we cast the demons out. Last Sunday she was totally delivered. The girls in the cell with her no longer feared her but rejoiced and they are all studying the Bible together.
Another miracle happened in that cell. One of the ladies who has been there about 8 months, came in with huge boils on her skin. I asked one of the trustees what that could be from. He told me when they inject meth and miss the vein and it goes in to the muscle, it causes the huge boils. The boils are now all gone and she is on fire for the word of God and studies regularly. But that's not all.
She had a court appointed lawyer, and sometimes they are in no hurry to work for their client. Well, this lady had heard nothing from this lawyer for months. Finally, the girls in that cell all began to agree in faith for the Lord to move on her case. Last Sunday the girls told us that suddenly the jailers came to the cell and told her all charges against her had been dropped. She will be going home in a few weeks. The Lord ALWAYS does signs, wonders, and miracles following the preaching of the word - IF you'll believe that he will do it.
Posted 3/21/06 One inmate upon leaving the jail went home but ws unable to work because of a leg injury. During the night the Lord woke him up and the Lord healed his leg. Now he is able to work and has a good job.
We phoned another inmate who had been out of jail for about a year and a half to see how he was doing. This fellow was raised in east L.A. and thought killing and drug usage was a normal way of life. He has tatoos on his body from his neck down to his feet. He got saved and completely transformed. He has a good job now and wants to be an evangelist, but knows he needs to grow more. So he is practicing by preaching to his kids every morning, and to his relatives. Everyone is amazed at the change.
Posted 1/16/06 Recently the jailers split a group of 3 young men apart who were seeking the Lord regularly, because new prisoners came in. The new prisoners caused problems, and in answer to the prayers of the 3 men split apart, the jailers returned them all to the same cell again. Study of God's word continues.
In one of the girls' cells, they got together and prayed for an inmate that her children, who she had not heard from in 9 months, would contact her. In only two days after prayer, the children came to visit their mom in the jail.
We prayed for one inmate whose mom was on her death bed dying of cancer. Two or three weeks later we got the report that she was totally healed. Not only that but the inmate's house was threatened by wild fires that have been occuring here in TX because of the sever drouth. A friend went over to his house and fought off the fire by spraying the area with water. Why is the Lord blessing this man so much? It's simple - he has turned his life around, been seeking the Lord through his word and prayer, and is believing the promises. To God be all the glory.
Posted 11/25/05 Because of a change in my work schedule, Eliane and I are both going to the jail now.
One female inmate had a son who was lost and wouldn't speak to her for years. We took her son before the throne of grace and two days later this boy got saved and contacted his mom!
We prayed for a girl who had a big time drug habit, cast the demon of drugs out of her and she immediately felt relief. Since that time she has had no desire for drugs and we told her how to use the word if that spirit tries to come back. We are confident she had a new outlook on life (to follow Jesus) and will not return to the jail.
Posted 9/19/05 We are still trying to catch up with what has been going on at the jail. I forget many of the testimonies, but do remember one lady who was having terrific back pains. We made sure she was walking in love and had all her sins repented, then we prayed for her. The next week she was praising the Lord and said there were absolutely no more back pains at all.
Another exciting testimony is from Brazil, where Eliane's sister was diagnosed with cancer. With lots of prayer both in Brazil and here in the U.S. and over a period of time, we are happy to report she is totally healed. The doctors are amazed.
The Lord even gave Eliane a vision of how he was clearing all the cancer out of her sister, which was of course very encouraging for all of us. However, it is important to remember that we live by faith and God is not obliged to give such visions, but of course we praise and thank him for that confirmation.
Posted 9/08/05 Eliane's Vision for the Jail.
Eliane was studying in the book of Romans and learning how both Moses and Paul loved and had similar experiences with the Jewish people.
Ex. 32:7. Shows how Moses loved the Jews. Moses was on the mountain, and he didn't know what was going on in the camp with the Israelites sinning against God. The Lord said this to Eliane. "I want you to tell rebellious people that although Moses didn't know what was going on, I knew, and I sent Moses down from the mountain to prove to them that I am the God and the All Knowing."
Vs. 8 "They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made for themselves and idol in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, 'These are your gods, O Israel who brought you up out of Egypt." This reminded Eliane of one inmate who had heard the word, got released, and went back and did the very same thing again. He was arrested and returned to jail in only 3 days after being released.
Rom. 9:1-4. Tells about Paul's love for the Israelite people just like Moses'. Paul was so disappointed with their stubbornness that he said he would rather be cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of his Jewish brothers rather than to see them refusing to acknowledge Christ as the Messiah, .
This was the point at which the Lord started to unfold the vision to Eliane. John was in old part of the jail where they still have bars in the cells. He was telling the boys about the word of the Lord. Some had gotten hold of it, and some were disinterested. While John was standing there with his Bible in his hand, the guard came in and opened the door and took one inmate out. The inmate was unidentifiable because at that spot the vision was blurry.
The guard took him out and led him into a beautiful hall that had precious stones on the walls. The hall was filled with an extremely bright light, and it was very very long. There were no windows on the walls. As the guard was walking with the prisoner, John had to stay back with the other prisoners holding his Bible in his hand . Then this inmate sensed the end of the hall was coming up. He looked back at John, and said, "Brother John, they will probably give me 99 years. What can I do?" Then like Moses and Paul felt sorry for the Israelites, John felt sorry for the inmate. He was only able to shrug his shoulders as if saying, "I've done all I can for you, and I wish you had paid attention and put into practice what was being preached."
At this moment the end of the hall was near and the guard suddenly disappeared. A door opened similar to a courtroom door and the inmate entered. Then Eliane asked the Lord, "Where's the judge that will try his case, isn't he supposed to be sitting at a table waiting for the inmate?" Then God the Father showed himself forth and said, "There is no earthly judge at this table, I am the Judge." As he said that, a large shining sword crossed very slowly in between the inmate and the Judge. The sword moved very slowly with precision and shimmered with a crystal clear brilliance. There were precious jewels on the handle, but the blade and tip shimmered like crystal. Now the inmate and his Judge were alone.
Then God reminded Eliane about Gal. 4:4-5 "But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive full rights as sons." The Lord indicated to Eliane that the only way they won't experience judgment and wrath, is by his grace through repentance and the blood of Jesus.
The vision was for the jail, but applies to anyone who doesn't take God seriously.
There have been many manifestations of the Lord at the jail, but because of our recent return from the field in Brazil, we have not been able to keep up with it all.
Posted 6/17/05 Our computer has been down for several weeks and God has done a lot at the jail during that time. Many inmates have been set free from drug addiction, and others set free from hearing voices in their heads. One inmate's mother was in a coma and after we prayed for her, the report the following week was that she was out of the hospital and back at home doing her regular duties. Another inmate said he wasn't guilty of the charges against him. He agreed to the prayer that the truth be made known. About three weeks later they dropped the charges and he went home.
Posted 4/25/05 It's no wonder there is a rash of inmates reporting hearing voices in their heads. Most are in jail because of drug abuse and that is a favorite avenue of the devil to get into people's heads. Two weeks ago an inmate came to the window to visit with me and remarked that about 4 weeks prior to that I cast the spirit of drugs out of him by the power of the Holy Spirit. He didn't mention it at the time, but he also was hearing voices in his head. Then during the visit two weeks ago he mentioned the problem and said that not only was the drug addiction gone, but so were the voices.
He explained the desire would come back on him only when he and others in his cell would start talking about their old drug habits. I explained he must even stop talking about it, as that opens up the door for those spirits to come back. Keep the temple clean and fill it with God's word.
I prayed the prayer of agreement with an inmate whose mom was seriously ill in the hospital. Next week when I came back she was completely healed and back at home attending to her regular duties. We love it when the Lord moves so quickly, but we must remember it is those with faith and patience who inherit the promises.
Posted 4/04/05 Demons talking inside of people's heads seems to be a big problem, at least at the jail we go to. A new inmate arrived about two or three weeks ago and another inmate asked me to pray for the new arrival, because he was being tormented by these voices.
I spoke with the young man who was very willing to do what I told him. First thing is we got him born again and got unforgivenes out of his heart. Then he told me about the voices. He explained he even knew the demon's name because it told it to him. The name was LEGION! Imagine that. I asked him if he knew about the demon named Legion in the Bible. He said he didn't so I proceeded to show him.
After explaining how Jesus gave us power to cast demons out I had him verbally rebuke and renounce the devil, anointed him with oil and cast the demons out in the name of Jesus. Immediately he felt better.
The next week I returned he said the voices were completely gone and he was sleeping well, and he no longer had the desire to fight with the other inmates. We talked some more and found the demons had entered because of extreme unforgiveness in his heart. I read to him from Matthew 18 how those who have unforgiveness will be turned over to the tormentor. He has learned quickly how important forgiving is and how it sets us free.
Posted 3/20/05 Big changes have been taking place in the jail since 11/19/05 (see below). The Lord has begun to step up his presence. That's what we have been praying for so it should be no surprise. In just the last 3 weeks we have seen at least a half a dozen inmates set free from drug addiction, alcoholism, or nicotine.
Another inmate had a similar problem as the one reported on below 9/01/04. He was hearing voices talk to him inside his head. For someone who doesn't know the word of God, they would say he's crazy or hallucinating. The truth is they were demons in his head and by the power of God we cast them out. The next week when I came back he said the voices were completely gone. Just think, this fellow could have been tormented the rest of his life with this, but with one prayer in agreement according to the word of God, he was totally set free. Thank you Jesus!
Posted 2/26/05 Two weeks ago a middle aged lady in jail asked me to pray for her because she was innocent, and it would take only one person to tell the truth. I hear that story every once in awhile so I tell them that the only way I will pray is to ask the Lord that the truth comes out and be made known. She agreed.
I prayed that prayer and sure enough she was innocent. The other lady came forward and told the truth in less than a week. The middle aged lady who knew the Lord but was not a regular church goer, now has a personal experience to know the word of God is real, and living for him is serious business.
Posted 2/21/05 Recently I prayed for a trustee at the jail who had an old football injury flare up on him while he was doing some carpentry work outside. It was causing him great pain. Most of the time when we pray for healing, it usually takes time, but this one occurred immediately and we both praised the Lord.
Another inmate got saved, and I prayed for his deliverance from drugs. The next week I came back and the desire had totally left him!
Two inmates who usually don't get along were placed together in the recreational area. They had some strong words and a fight almost broke out, but both remembered the teachings they had received about crucifying the flesh and walking in the spirit. After one of them took the initiative and walked away, the other came over and apologized as they shook hands. You might not think this is worth placing in the Signs, Wonders, and Miracles section, but if you understood where many of these people are coming from, you would see it as a real miracle.
Posted 12/10/04 Last week we prayed for a female inmate's mother who was in the hospital with pneumonia. This week the praise report came stating the good news the mother was back at home and completely well. This proved to be a great encouragement to the inmate.
Posted 11/19/04 Many inmates have joined with me in praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh in the jail.
One inmate who has been born again was having demonic problems. He has a history of it in his family and has been in jail before. At that time he was on medication and the problem was not noticable.
However, this time he is not on medication and showed the effects of the demonization. Fortunately, he realized what the problem was and and last week asked me the next time I came, to serve him communion and cast the devils out. I said sure, and brought the elements. We took communion and got everything right with God and before I started to speak and command the demons out, a fellow on the other side asked for me to cast them out of him also. I said sure, and began praying. The first fellow was manifesting but I couldn't see too well because it was dark and he was in a cell where you had to look through the slit in the door where they pass trays - called a "bean hole."
When we finished, the first fellow had a look of great relief on his face and said, "Something left me, and I feel relieved." Next week I'll ask what happened to the other fellow if he is still there.
When I finished there I walked down the hall by the first cell and looked in the window. A prisoner was lying on the floor with inmates and two guards around him. An inmate I knew was standing by the window and the speaker, so I asked him what happened. All he said was, "The guy fell out." My guess is that fellow also had demonic problems and when we prayed for the other fellow, the demons in him also manifested. Next week should prove interesting, but the point is the God is answering our prayer as the Holy Spirit is taking over the jail from the enemy. (A few weeks later we discovered the fellow had epilepsy, got him saved, and the epileptic demon cast out.)
Posted 11/07/04 Two weeks ago we prayed for a lady who was having nightmares that her 12 year old daughter was being under attack and tormented. She understood these dreams were from the evil one trying to harrass her while she was in jail. Just the very next week she testified all the bad dreams were gone.
We had another occasion to minister to man who had tried to commit suicide twice. He was extremely depressed, but we got him born again and began teaching him the word. Some of his problems were demonic and the demons were cast out. His demeanor began to change after deliverance and as he got into the word. The last we heard from him he had gotten his children back, was working at a good job, and his family which had given up on him all became reconciled. He is now attending a Baptist church regularly. With God all things are posible!
Posted 10/18/04 One inmate at the jail is growing faster in the word of God than anyone I've ever seen. He's a trustee who has various jobs to do. The other day he was doing his work and went to clean up an area that was his responsibility. Amazingly, someone else had already done it so he had some free time on his hands.
Suddenly the jail administor appeared and said, "Since you have some extra time, come to the evidence room and help me clean the old stuff out and burn it." As they were sorting through the things the jail administrator said, "Hey look here. Here are the drugs we used to convict you." God had made the opportunity for the inmate to burn up the very evidence that convicted him. As he handled the drugs he said there was no pull toward them, he didn't desire them in any way, and praised God for making the opportunity for him to destroy those drugs himself. The old man is dead. Praise the Lord.
Posted 10/01/04 When a man is put in jail his family suffers because the bills are not being paid. The usual response is: "Serves him right, if he loved his family he wouldn't be doing bad things." Well, it's not as simple as that, and it certainly is not God's attitude.
We prayed with an inmate last week whose wife and child were being evicted from the house they rented, and they had no where to go. The praise report came this week. The landlord suddenly had a change of heart and let the wife and child back in the house; soon after that the wife found jobs cleaning several churches in the area.
Not a big miracle you say? It was for the wife and the inmate.
Posted 9/24/04 An inmate asked us to pray for her stepmother who for two years had huge sores on her legs which were infected. The infection was becoming so bad the doctors said they might have to amputate one of the legs.
We prayed the prayer of agreement and believed God that her stepmother was completely healed, and after just one week the report came back that she was completely healed and there would be no operation. The doctors were amazed and said they don't know what happened to the sores. Isn't God awesome?!
Posted 9/10/04 This same inmate (see below) just last week had an unusual experience with the Lord which is definitely worth reporting. He woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. In this dream his vantage point was within a convertable car going exceedingly fast down the highway, and he was in the back seat looking toward the front.
Suddenly he noticed the driver was a horrible grotesque looking being which he determined was the devil. On the forearm of this monster was tattooed the number 666, and suddenly the 6 in the middle began to turn over into a 9. Right away the terrified inmate in the dream started using the name of Jesus to rebuke that thing and asked Jesus for protection. Then immediately he woke up.
He couldn't figure out the dream and was quite shaken from it. The next day one of the trustees who has been been in the word for a long time came by. The inmate in solitary told the dream to the trustee and said, "What does that mean?" The trustee told him to pray to God the Father and ask for the interpretation. Now that's good advice and shows a lot of growth on the trustee's part.
So the inmate in solitary confinement did just that. During the day when he was just resting in the Lord on his bunk the Lord spoke to him the interpretation, and said, "That person driving the car was not the devil; it was YOU. The fact that one of the sixes turned over into a 9 shows that you are making improvement, but you still have a long way to go."
Praise God! Isn't it wonderful how the Lord can move in the life of someone in jail. That fellow may be in solitary confinement, but believe me, he's not alone!
Another inmate who we had prayed for several weeks ago asking the Father to take away all desire for drugs, still had the craving. So we checked out the unforgivenes part and found out there was still a lot of it. After explaining how not only did God command that we forgive so we can be forgiven, and how it actually benefits us in doing it, he decided to forgive and turn it all over to the Lord.
Yesterday upon our return to the jail he testified that the craving was totally gone. Yes! The word works if we will believe it!
Posted 9/3/04. One inmate in solitary confinement has been spending almost all day, every day, studying God's word. The change has been dramatic and he is already interceding for others. He prayed for healing for an uncle who had a stomach disorder and a rash all over his face. The report is that the uncle is completely healed.
Another inmate was struggling with unforgiveness and finally decided to forgive. He suddenly felt good all over and was so excited he made an appointment with the conselor to tell her about it. Almost instantly after forgiving, his prayer that he had been praying for months was answered. That prayer was to have his back time reinstated. Not a big deal you say? It is if you are locked up day after day in a small cell.
Posted 9/1/04. A man we have been ministering to was hearing voices in his head telling him to do horrible things. He would try to resist but eventually gave in and did them. We discovered this came about because of a relationship with a girl friend who practiced witchcraft.
We began helping him discover how to defeat this. He had already gotten born again so we got him to repent and denounce the evil spirits, forgive, and live holy for God. Then in prayer we rebuked the spirits and told them to leave, and told him to continue with that by using the name of Jesus and quoting scriptures to the devils bothering him.
The next week we talked with him and he said things were better and were down to 8 on a scale of 10, with 10 being the worst. The next week it was down to a 6. However, the next week showed no improvement and neither did the one after that.
I thought we had the unforgivenes thing fixed, but something was wrong. We should be farther along with having him set free. So I asked him, "Do you hate anyone's guts?" He immediately said: "Yes." We got that fixed right away as he understood he must forgive to receive his deliverance.
The next week I came back and didn't even have a chance to ask him how things were going. He said, "I feel great today." I asked him how things were on the scale of one to 10, and he answered about a 2 or 2 1/2. The following week he had been transferred to another place, but with the training he received and our continuing to stand for him we are believing he is totally delivered. Praise the Lord!
Posted 8/20/04. Yesterday at the jail an inmate testified he was having migraine headaches when he read the Bible, so he prayed and stood on the word that God still heals. The result? No more migraines. If you say that's not really a big healing, then you've never had a migraine headache before.
Posted 8/12/04. Last Thursday at the jail we prayed for an inmate with liver problems that caused pain and sleeples nights due to alcoholism. He renounced the alcoholism, and we checked out unforgiveness, his love walk, and any sin in his life. After taking care of these things we prayed for his healing.
This week when we returned he was excited to testify what the Lord had done in his life. He explained that the pain was completely gone and that he was sleeping like a baby. Praise the Lord! When we pray we expect for the Lord do exactly as he promised as we do our part.
Posted 7/16/04. On July 1, 2004 when I went to the jail to preach, an inmate asked for prayer for his little niece who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver. Doesn't that make you made to see the devil tormenting little kids? Anyway, we all came into agreement and stood on God's word regarding healing. The next week when I returned I asked if anyone had a testimony they wanted to share. This fellow spoke right up and said he got word that the doctors could no longer find any trace of cancer in her body! Praise the Lord.
Posted 6/29/04. On our HARVEST 2004 trip to Brazil the Lord moved mightily. A deaf man received his hearing and 3 demons of deafness were cast out, a lady was set free from a spirit of senility that was also cast out, and a man who couldn't walk or move his left arm because of a stroke went out of the church on his own power with both hands and arms praising the Lord. See BRAZIL AND FOREIGN UPDATE for the whole story. (This has since been deleted to make way for the latest report on Brazil).
Posted 4/27/04. An inmate recently received prayer on behalf of his grandma who had two blood clots in her lungs. Two weeks later we received a report that she was totally healed and was again working!
A week after that another inmate received prayer for his niece who was diagnosed with a tumor in her stomach the size of a football. We all came into agreement and prayered for her healing. The next week the inmates in that cell could hardly wait to tell us she had seen her doctor and the tumor had completely disappeared! Not only that but we visited a church in Bowie that Sunday and the mother of the child was there and confirmed the information to be true.
What a blessing to see the Lord still undoing the works the devil has done!
We've seen many signs, wonders, and miracles that the Lord has done in our years of ministry, but we only recently decided to start this section.
Posted 12/29/06 Last Sunday we visited the jail on Christmas day. It was our best Christmas in quite a while even though it took 9 1/2 hours to finish. We have been praying for a long time that God's presence would be so strong in there, and where ever we go, that people would come running and begging to know how to be saved. We wouldn't even have to preach. We've seen hints of this before, (see 4/25/06) but last Sunday two girls whom we have ministered to on several occasions before, began crying profusely and asking to be saved!
Another inmate who hadn't heard from her brother for many years because of bitterness, called her at the jail and reconcilation occurred. Also, an inmate who had a serious drug problem reported that after we prayed for him and cast the spirit of drugs out of him, he no longer has even the slightest desire for drugs. Praise the Lord!
Posted 12/04/06 Several weeks ago we prayed with a woman in jail who had a sister she hadn't spoken to in years because of a disagreement. We prayed that the sister would contact her and old hurts would be broken. Yesterday we got the report the lady's sister called her and they were reunited.
Posted 8/23/06 Last week at the jail just as I was about to enter the outer area of the women's cell, the jailer rushed in as a young lady was having a seizure. I felt it prudent to wait outside until they attended to her. When they left I entered and noticed the girl was sort of spaced out from the attack.
However, I was able to determine from her these seizures were a problem all her life. I began to share the word with her, building her faith, and to make a long story short, the demon was cast out and she returned to her right mind. By the end of my visit she was singing along with the gospel songs and clapping her hands to the music. Now she knows Jesus not only as her Saviour, but her Deliverer as well!
Posted 7/31/06 Eliane parked her car next to the shop where she works. A lady ran the red light, hit another car which spun into the parking lot and hit Eliane's car which rammed into the building and made a hole in it. The attending officer said if her car hadn't of been there, the lady's car would have gone completely into the building. And Eliane's car? Only a few scratches on the fender. It was truely a miracle of the Lord and confirms the angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear him. The other two cars were totaled. We are praising God for his protection. The lady who ran the red light is in jail, illegal, with no papers, or insurance.
Posted 4/25/06 Last Sunday when we ministered at the jail, the Lord was moving through Eliane at almost every cell with words of knowledge. In answer to fervent and effectual prayer we saw inmates calling out to us from isolation cells to come and speak with them. One fellow who had been there previously, was convicted by the Spirit to return to Montague County and turn himself in on a different charge.
One girl had been in and out of jail several times. She had been receiving medication, was told she was crazy, was acting the way she did to get drugs, etc. What a shame counselors have no knowledge of the word of God. This poor girl suffered from demonic oppression for a long time until we came along with the word of God. Two weeks ago she showed us a paper she had written that was obviously motivated by the demons in her. Most of it was what is called "automatic writing." It works when the evil spirit inside takes control of the pencil and writes.
We explained to her what was going on i.e. that in her past she had opened the door for this evil spirit to enter. She repented and renounced that activity, got born again, and we cast the demons out. Last Sunday she was totally delivered. The girls in the cell with her no longer feared her but rejoiced and they are all studying the Bible together.
Another miracle happened in that cell. One of the ladies who has been there about 8 months, came in with huge boils on her skin. I asked one of the trustees what that could be from. He told me when they inject meth and miss the vein and it goes in to the muscle, it causes the huge boils. The boils are now all gone and she is on fire for the word of God and studies regularly. But that's not all.
She had a court appointed lawyer, and sometimes they are in no hurry to work for their client. Well, this lady had heard nothing from this lawyer for months. Finally, the girls in that cell all began to agree in faith for the Lord to move on her case. Last Sunday the girls told us that suddenly the jailers came to the cell and told her all charges against her had been dropped. She will be going home in a few weeks. The Lord ALWAYS does signs, wonders, and miracles following the preaching of the word - IF you'll believe that he will do it.
Posted 3/21/06 One inmate upon leaving the jail went home but ws unable to work because of a leg injury. During the night the Lord woke him up and the Lord healed his leg. Now he is able to work and has a good job.
We phoned another inmate who had been out of jail for about a year and a half to see how he was doing. This fellow was raised in east L.A. and thought killing and drug usage was a normal way of life. He has tatoos on his body from his neck down to his feet. He got saved and completely transformed. He has a good job now and wants to be an evangelist, but knows he needs to grow more. So he is practicing by preaching to his kids every morning, and to his relatives. Everyone is amazed at the change.
Posted 1/16/06 Recently the jailers split a group of 3 young men apart who were seeking the Lord regularly, because new prisoners came in. The new prisoners caused problems, and in answer to the prayers of the 3 men split apart, the jailers returned them all to the same cell again. Study of God's word continues.
In one of the girls' cells, they got together and prayed for an inmate that her children, who she had not heard from in 9 months, would contact her. In only two days after prayer, the children came to visit their mom in the jail.
We prayed for one inmate whose mom was on her death bed dying of cancer. Two or three weeks later we got the report that she was totally healed. Not only that but the inmate's house was threatened by wild fires that have been occuring here in TX because of the sever drouth. A friend went over to his house and fought off the fire by spraying the area with water. Why is the Lord blessing this man so much? It's simple - he has turned his life around, been seeking the Lord through his word and prayer, and is believing the promises. To God be all the glory.
Posted 11/25/05 Because of a change in my work schedule, Eliane and I are both going to the jail now.
One female inmate had a son who was lost and wouldn't speak to her for years. We took her son before the throne of grace and two days later this boy got saved and contacted his mom!
We prayed for a girl who had a big time drug habit, cast the demon of drugs out of her and she immediately felt relief. Since that time she has had no desire for drugs and we told her how to use the word if that spirit tries to come back. We are confident she had a new outlook on life (to follow Jesus) and will not return to the jail.
Posted 9/19/05 We are still trying to catch up with what has been going on at the jail. I forget many of the testimonies, but do remember one lady who was having terrific back pains. We made sure she was walking in love and had all her sins repented, then we prayed for her. The next week she was praising the Lord and said there were absolutely no more back pains at all.
Another exciting testimony is from Brazil, where Eliane's sister was diagnosed with cancer. With lots of prayer both in Brazil and here in the U.S. and over a period of time, we are happy to report she is totally healed. The doctors are amazed.
The Lord even gave Eliane a vision of how he was clearing all the cancer out of her sister, which was of course very encouraging for all of us. However, it is important to remember that we live by faith and God is not obliged to give such visions, but of course we praise and thank him for that confirmation.
Posted 9/08/05 Eliane's Vision for the Jail.
Eliane was studying in the book of Romans and learning how both Moses and Paul loved and had similar experiences with the Jewish people.
Ex. 32:7. Shows how Moses loved the Jews. Moses was on the mountain, and he didn't know what was going on in the camp with the Israelites sinning against God. The Lord said this to Eliane. "I want you to tell rebellious people that although Moses didn't know what was going on, I knew, and I sent Moses down from the mountain to prove to them that I am the God and the All Knowing."
Vs. 8 "They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made for themselves and idol in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, 'These are your gods, O Israel who brought you up out of Egypt." This reminded Eliane of one inmate who had heard the word, got released, and went back and did the very same thing again. He was arrested and returned to jail in only 3 days after being released.
Rom. 9:1-4. Tells about Paul's love for the Israelite people just like Moses'. Paul was so disappointed with their stubbornness that he said he would rather be cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of his Jewish brothers rather than to see them refusing to acknowledge Christ as the Messiah, .
This was the point at which the Lord started to unfold the vision to Eliane. John was in old part of the jail where they still have bars in the cells. He was telling the boys about the word of the Lord. Some had gotten hold of it, and some were disinterested. While John was standing there with his Bible in his hand, the guard came in and opened the door and took one inmate out. The inmate was unidentifiable because at that spot the vision was blurry.
The guard took him out and led him into a beautiful hall that had precious stones on the walls. The hall was filled with an extremely bright light, and it was very very long. There were no windows on the walls. As the guard was walking with the prisoner, John had to stay back with the other prisoners holding his Bible in his hand . Then this inmate sensed the end of the hall was coming up. He looked back at John, and said, "Brother John, they will probably give me 99 years. What can I do?" Then like Moses and Paul felt sorry for the Israelites, John felt sorry for the inmate. He was only able to shrug his shoulders as if saying, "I've done all I can for you, and I wish you had paid attention and put into practice what was being preached."
At this moment the end of the hall was near and the guard suddenly disappeared. A door opened similar to a courtroom door and the inmate entered. Then Eliane asked the Lord, "Where's the judge that will try his case, isn't he supposed to be sitting at a table waiting for the inmate?" Then God the Father showed himself forth and said, "There is no earthly judge at this table, I am the Judge." As he said that, a large shining sword crossed very slowly in between the inmate and the Judge. The sword moved very slowly with precision and shimmered with a crystal clear brilliance. There were precious jewels on the handle, but the blade and tip shimmered like crystal. Now the inmate and his Judge were alone.
Then God reminded Eliane about Gal. 4:4-5 "But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive full rights as sons." The Lord indicated to Eliane that the only way they won't experience judgment and wrath, is by his grace through repentance and the blood of Jesus.
The vision was for the jail, but applies to anyone who doesn't take God seriously.
There have been many manifestations of the Lord at the jail, but because of our recent return from the field in Brazil, we have not been able to keep up with it all.
Posted 6/17/05 Our computer has been down for several weeks and God has done a lot at the jail during that time. Many inmates have been set free from drug addiction, and others set free from hearing voices in their heads. One inmate's mother was in a coma and after we prayed for her, the report the following week was that she was out of the hospital and back at home doing her regular duties. Another inmate said he wasn't guilty of the charges against him. He agreed to the prayer that the truth be made known. About three weeks later they dropped the charges and he went home.
Posted 4/25/05 It's no wonder there is a rash of inmates reporting hearing voices in their heads. Most are in jail because of drug abuse and that is a favorite avenue of the devil to get into people's heads. Two weeks ago an inmate came to the window to visit with me and remarked that about 4 weeks prior to that I cast the spirit of drugs out of him by the power of the Holy Spirit. He didn't mention it at the time, but he also was hearing voices in his head. Then during the visit two weeks ago he mentioned the problem and said that not only was the drug addiction gone, but so were the voices.
He explained the desire would come back on him only when he and others in his cell would start talking about their old drug habits. I explained he must even stop talking about it, as that opens up the door for those spirits to come back. Keep the temple clean and fill it with God's word.
I prayed the prayer of agreement with an inmate whose mom was seriously ill in the hospital. Next week when I came back she was completely healed and back at home attending to her regular duties. We love it when the Lord moves so quickly, but we must remember it is those with faith and patience who inherit the promises.
Posted 4/04/05 Demons talking inside of people's heads seems to be a big problem, at least at the jail we go to. A new inmate arrived about two or three weeks ago and another inmate asked me to pray for the new arrival, because he was being tormented by these voices.
I spoke with the young man who was very willing to do what I told him. First thing is we got him born again and got unforgivenes out of his heart. Then he told me about the voices. He explained he even knew the demon's name because it told it to him. The name was LEGION! Imagine that. I asked him if he knew about the demon named Legion in the Bible. He said he didn't so I proceeded to show him.
After explaining how Jesus gave us power to cast demons out I had him verbally rebuke and renounce the devil, anointed him with oil and cast the demons out in the name of Jesus. Immediately he felt better.
The next week I returned he said the voices were completely gone and he was sleeping well, and he no longer had the desire to fight with the other inmates. We talked some more and found the demons had entered because of extreme unforgiveness in his heart. I read to him from Matthew 18 how those who have unforgiveness will be turned over to the tormentor. He has learned quickly how important forgiving is and how it sets us free.
Posted 3/20/05 Big changes have been taking place in the jail since 11/19/05 (see below). The Lord has begun to step up his presence. That's what we have been praying for so it should be no surprise. In just the last 3 weeks we have seen at least a half a dozen inmates set free from drug addiction, alcoholism, or nicotine.
Another inmate had a similar problem as the one reported on below 9/01/04. He was hearing voices talk to him inside his head. For someone who doesn't know the word of God, they would say he's crazy or hallucinating. The truth is they were demons in his head and by the power of God we cast them out. The next week when I came back he said the voices were completely gone. Just think, this fellow could have been tormented the rest of his life with this, but with one prayer in agreement according to the word of God, he was totally set free. Thank you Jesus!
Posted 2/26/05 Two weeks ago a middle aged lady in jail asked me to pray for her because she was innocent, and it would take only one person to tell the truth. I hear that story every once in awhile so I tell them that the only way I will pray is to ask the Lord that the truth comes out and be made known. She agreed.
I prayed that prayer and sure enough she was innocent. The other lady came forward and told the truth in less than a week. The middle aged lady who knew the Lord but was not a regular church goer, now has a personal experience to know the word of God is real, and living for him is serious business.
Posted 2/21/05 Recently I prayed for a trustee at the jail who had an old football injury flare up on him while he was doing some carpentry work outside. It was causing him great pain. Most of the time when we pray for healing, it usually takes time, but this one occurred immediately and we both praised the Lord.
Another inmate got saved, and I prayed for his deliverance from drugs. The next week I came back and the desire had totally left him!
Two inmates who usually don't get along were placed together in the recreational area. They had some strong words and a fight almost broke out, but both remembered the teachings they had received about crucifying the flesh and walking in the spirit. After one of them took the initiative and walked away, the other came over and apologized as they shook hands. You might not think this is worth placing in the Signs, Wonders, and Miracles section, but if you understood where many of these people are coming from, you would see it as a real miracle.
Posted 12/10/04 Last week we prayed for a female inmate's mother who was in the hospital with pneumonia. This week the praise report came stating the good news the mother was back at home and completely well. This proved to be a great encouragement to the inmate.
Posted 11/19/04 Many inmates have joined with me in praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh in the jail.
One inmate who has been born again was having demonic problems. He has a history of it in his family and has been in jail before. At that time he was on medication and the problem was not noticable.
However, this time he is not on medication and showed the effects of the demonization. Fortunately, he realized what the problem was and and last week asked me the next time I came, to serve him communion and cast the devils out. I said sure, and brought the elements. We took communion and got everything right with God and before I started to speak and command the demons out, a fellow on the other side asked for me to cast them out of him also. I said sure, and began praying. The first fellow was manifesting but I couldn't see too well because it was dark and he was in a cell where you had to look through the slit in the door where they pass trays - called a "bean hole."
When we finished, the first fellow had a look of great relief on his face and said, "Something left me, and I feel relieved." Next week I'll ask what happened to the other fellow if he is still there.
When I finished there I walked down the hall by the first cell and looked in the window. A prisoner was lying on the floor with inmates and two guards around him. An inmate I knew was standing by the window and the speaker, so I asked him what happened. All he said was, "The guy fell out." My guess is that fellow also had demonic problems and when we prayed for the other fellow, the demons in him also manifested. Next week should prove interesting, but the point is the God is answering our prayer as the Holy Spirit is taking over the jail from the enemy. (A few weeks later we discovered the fellow had epilepsy, got him saved, and the epileptic demon cast out.)
Posted 11/07/04 Two weeks ago we prayed for a lady who was having nightmares that her 12 year old daughter was being under attack and tormented. She understood these dreams were from the evil one trying to harrass her while she was in jail. Just the very next week she testified all the bad dreams were gone.
We had another occasion to minister to man who had tried to commit suicide twice. He was extremely depressed, but we got him born again and began teaching him the word. Some of his problems were demonic and the demons were cast out. His demeanor began to change after deliverance and as he got into the word. The last we heard from him he had gotten his children back, was working at a good job, and his family which had given up on him all became reconciled. He is now attending a Baptist church regularly. With God all things are posible!
Posted 10/18/04 One inmate at the jail is growing faster in the word of God than anyone I've ever seen. He's a trustee who has various jobs to do. The other day he was doing his work and went to clean up an area that was his responsibility. Amazingly, someone else had already done it so he had some free time on his hands.
Suddenly the jail administor appeared and said, "Since you have some extra time, come to the evidence room and help me clean the old stuff out and burn it." As they were sorting through the things the jail administrator said, "Hey look here. Here are the drugs we used to convict you." God had made the opportunity for the inmate to burn up the very evidence that convicted him. As he handled the drugs he said there was no pull toward them, he didn't desire them in any way, and praised God for making the opportunity for him to destroy those drugs himself. The old man is dead. Praise the Lord.
Posted 10/01/04 When a man is put in jail his family suffers because the bills are not being paid. The usual response is: "Serves him right, if he loved his family he wouldn't be doing bad things." Well, it's not as simple as that, and it certainly is not God's attitude.
We prayed with an inmate last week whose wife and child were being evicted from the house they rented, and they had no where to go. The praise report came this week. The landlord suddenly had a change of heart and let the wife and child back in the house; soon after that the wife found jobs cleaning several churches in the area.
Not a big miracle you say? It was for the wife and the inmate.
Posted 9/24/04 An inmate asked us to pray for her stepmother who for two years had huge sores on her legs which were infected. The infection was becoming so bad the doctors said they might have to amputate one of the legs.
We prayed the prayer of agreement and believed God that her stepmother was completely healed, and after just one week the report came back that she was completely healed and there would be no operation. The doctors were amazed and said they don't know what happened to the sores. Isn't God awesome?!
Posted 9/10/04 This same inmate (see below) just last week had an unusual experience with the Lord which is definitely worth reporting. He woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. In this dream his vantage point was within a convertable car going exceedingly fast down the highway, and he was in the back seat looking toward the front.
Suddenly he noticed the driver was a horrible grotesque looking being which he determined was the devil. On the forearm of this monster was tattooed the number 666, and suddenly the 6 in the middle began to turn over into a 9. Right away the terrified inmate in the dream started using the name of Jesus to rebuke that thing and asked Jesus for protection. Then immediately he woke up.
He couldn't figure out the dream and was quite shaken from it. The next day one of the trustees who has been been in the word for a long time came by. The inmate in solitary told the dream to the trustee and said, "What does that mean?" The trustee told him to pray to God the Father and ask for the interpretation. Now that's good advice and shows a lot of growth on the trustee's part.
So the inmate in solitary confinement did just that. During the day when he was just resting in the Lord on his bunk the Lord spoke to him the interpretation, and said, "That person driving the car was not the devil; it was YOU. The fact that one of the sixes turned over into a 9 shows that you are making improvement, but you still have a long way to go."
Praise God! Isn't it wonderful how the Lord can move in the life of someone in jail. That fellow may be in solitary confinement, but believe me, he's not alone!
Another inmate who we had prayed for several weeks ago asking the Father to take away all desire for drugs, still had the craving. So we checked out the unforgivenes part and found out there was still a lot of it. After explaining how not only did God command that we forgive so we can be forgiven, and how it actually benefits us in doing it, he decided to forgive and turn it all over to the Lord.
Yesterday upon our return to the jail he testified that the craving was totally gone. Yes! The word works if we will believe it!
Posted 9/3/04. One inmate in solitary confinement has been spending almost all day, every day, studying God's word. The change has been dramatic and he is already interceding for others. He prayed for healing for an uncle who had a stomach disorder and a rash all over his face. The report is that the uncle is completely healed.
Another inmate was struggling with unforgiveness and finally decided to forgive. He suddenly felt good all over and was so excited he made an appointment with the conselor to tell her about it. Almost instantly after forgiving, his prayer that he had been praying for months was answered. That prayer was to have his back time reinstated. Not a big deal you say? It is if you are locked up day after day in a small cell.
Posted 9/1/04. A man we have been ministering to was hearing voices in his head telling him to do horrible things. He would try to resist but eventually gave in and did them. We discovered this came about because of a relationship with a girl friend who practiced witchcraft.
We began helping him discover how to defeat this. He had already gotten born again so we got him to repent and denounce the evil spirits, forgive, and live holy for God. Then in prayer we rebuked the spirits and told them to leave, and told him to continue with that by using the name of Jesus and quoting scriptures to the devils bothering him.
The next week we talked with him and he said things were better and were down to 8 on a scale of 10, with 10 being the worst. The next week it was down to a 6. However, the next week showed no improvement and neither did the one after that.
I thought we had the unforgivenes thing fixed, but something was wrong. We should be farther along with having him set free. So I asked him, "Do you hate anyone's guts?" He immediately said: "Yes." We got that fixed right away as he understood he must forgive to receive his deliverance.
The next week I came back and didn't even have a chance to ask him how things were going. He said, "I feel great today." I asked him how things were on the scale of one to 10, and he answered about a 2 or 2 1/2. The following week he had been transferred to another place, but with the training he received and our continuing to stand for him we are believing he is totally delivered. Praise the Lord!
Posted 8/20/04. Yesterday at the jail an inmate testified he was having migraine headaches when he read the Bible, so he prayed and stood on the word that God still heals. The result? No more migraines. If you say that's not really a big healing, then you've never had a migraine headache before.
Posted 8/12/04. Last Thursday at the jail we prayed for an inmate with liver problems that caused pain and sleeples nights due to alcoholism. He renounced the alcoholism, and we checked out unforgiveness, his love walk, and any sin in his life. After taking care of these things we prayed for his healing.
This week when we returned he was excited to testify what the Lord had done in his life. He explained that the pain was completely gone and that he was sleeping like a baby. Praise the Lord! When we pray we expect for the Lord do exactly as he promised as we do our part.
Posted 7/16/04. On July 1, 2004 when I went to the jail to preach, an inmate asked for prayer for his little niece who was diagnosed with inoperable cancer of the liver. Doesn't that make you made to see the devil tormenting little kids? Anyway, we all came into agreement and stood on God's word regarding healing. The next week when I returned I asked if anyone had a testimony they wanted to share. This fellow spoke right up and said he got word that the doctors could no longer find any trace of cancer in her body! Praise the Lord.
Posted 6/29/04. On our HARVEST 2004 trip to Brazil the Lord moved mightily. A deaf man received his hearing and 3 demons of deafness were cast out, a lady was set free from a spirit of senility that was also cast out, and a man who couldn't walk or move his left arm because of a stroke went out of the church on his own power with both hands and arms praising the Lord. See BRAZIL AND FOREIGN UPDATE for the whole story. (This has since been deleted to make way for the latest report on Brazil).
Posted 4/27/04. An inmate recently received prayer on behalf of his grandma who had two blood clots in her lungs. Two weeks later we received a report that she was totally healed and was again working!
A week after that another inmate received prayer for his niece who was diagnosed with a tumor in her stomach the size of a football. We all came into agreement and prayered for her healing. The next week the inmates in that cell could hardly wait to tell us she had seen her doctor and the tumor had completely disappeared! Not only that but we visited a church in Bowie that Sunday and the mother of the child was there and confirmed the information to be true.
What a blessing to see the Lord still undoing the works the devil has done!
We've seen many signs, wonders, and miracles that the Lord has done in our years of ministry, but we only recently decided to start this section.