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                The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity." Mike Stachura

Flash News Alert! 12/29/16.   Sister Sarah from Kenya just emailed us these pictures from their Empowering Youth Conference.  This conference will produce the next group who will spread the gospel across the entire nation of Kenya!  Click on each picture to enlarge.
Here is sister Sarah's email telling what happened:  
Witnessing was the message to the youths
lory to God.

Blessings to you all my brother. It went well with the conference, the youths were taught all alot concerning witnessing. We are preparing them for the great commission, to win the lost. 

By His grace, we have another branch in a remote place, for we won the lost there and by the leading of the Spirit, we got a place for them to worship and be a church of Christ there. I normally go there weekly to teach and uplift them spiritually. Glory to God.

Yes brother, the books are of great help to all of us. May God bless and remember you always, we don't know what we could have done without you. Because of you we stand and are nourished spiritually. We received the books you sent, and are grateful for the quick sent of them.

May God protect you all in Brazil, the same applies here, the drivers are reckless, and many accidents are being caused by inexperienced. Motorcycles do more harm than good in this place, we only pray for His protection.

We prayed for the youths, anointed them, we look forward for a great work a head, God is growing a people, future leaders, to His glory. All thanks to you.

Blessings to all. We love you.

Share with the rest, I am totally healed. Glory glory.

Happy new year 2017

We became acquainted with sister Sarah of Kisii Kenya through the internet.  They were a small group of Christians trying to learn more about God and to mature spiritually.  Unknowningly they got involved with a group of people that were mixing Catholicism and voo doo.  As you can imagine, it only led to trouble with many of the members getting very sick and bad things happening to them. 
Finally an evangelistic team came to their town and preached the true word of God.  Sister Sarah and 25 others withdrew from the false church and started meeting on their own.  However, they were new and didn't have anyone to help and guide them.  This is where the Lord supernaturally brought us together and we began to help them and continue helping to this day under our banner named Christ International Church, which so far includes both Brazil and Africa.  As we are able we try to help other churches in Africa as well.  How much and how many churches we can help at any time depends on what resources we have available.  You will enjoy viewing these photos of an on fire church group that is growing in the Lord and spreading the gospel in Kenya.

After starting with only 26 members they soon added 18 members.  During 2009 and winning our contest for souls gained they added 48 new members.  As new members also went out to preach the good news, they now have over 200 members.  That's the way the gospel is spread.  Remember our moto:  Every Christian a soul winner!


Sarah - outside crusade
We are now also helping sister Aileen with bibles at Proclaim His Love  Church in Kenya.  Sister Aileen is the lady wearing the white blouse. They are serious about winning the lost to Christ and then teaching them from the Word of God how to win others, and how to live a peaceful and productive Christian life.  Keep up the good work sister!!

Below are other churches in Africa we have helped in the pastwith bibles, books, tracts, and teaching materials 

Sister Elizabeth and pastors


Elizabeth with chures in the interior
Elizabeth churches in interior
Elizabeth and baptism, pastors


Eliabeth preach in interior
Elizabeth, baptism and praise
Joseph and family - Ghana
Joseph - praise and worship


Joseph and congregation
Joseph congregation outside
Joseph - new church building
Joseph - singing to the Lord


Joseph -  preaching in church
Linet - smiling for the Lord
Linet - congregation outside
Tony - inside church



LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE! The following story took place several years ago with another church we were helping.  I've enclosed most of Sister Elizabeth's letter that she emailed to us explaining what the Lord has done in their congregations in only one year! This is awesome what the Lord has done. Be sure to read this!!
My dear Brother John Baker,
A multi-faceted Evangelistic effort through Kisii Highland netted glorious results with 230 individuals baptized in just one year.
The first phase of the Program began with hundreds studying your website with our friends and neighbors. More than 500 crammed into the hall 700 capacity the final Sunday of the series.This is awesome! we have never seen anything like this before. Most of the people traveled very long distances to attend the meetings, especially the Sunday program. Many arrived at 6 a.m for the 8. a.m program. They brought their chairs and stayed all day.There has never been a time when the Kisii people of Kenya have been more open to receiving the real gospel than now. Many were weeping as they came.  April 7, 2009 We had a crusade and experienced the most powerful meeting of my life.
Our senior Pastor confirmed that over 500 people repented and there were very many testimonies of miracles of healing.  But on the Sunday the power of God fell in a new way. While Pastor was still speaking, a crippled man stood to his feet under the Power of God, his stick fell to the ground, he called him to walk forward - he came! Then he called others who were crippled and unable to walk to step forward in faith and bring their crutches to the platform. Many were instantly healed and crowded into the platform, throwing their crutches in a heap.  MIRACLES TESTIMONIES North Kisii Nyamira Districts: Paralysed broken hand woman - doctors unable to help- function instantly restored.  KEROKA TOWN Back crippled man from childhood instantly healed. MUSIC:
We heard the most wonderful music and someone singing
Hear the Lord of Harvest sweetly calling,
Who will go and work for me today 
who will bring to me the lost and dying,
who will point them to the narrow way?
My Lord speak to me.
On the last night over 200 crowded the rented Hall as Pastor challenged the young people to dedicate their lives to Christ as he had done at their age. As the Holy Spirit fire fell, the young people dropped to their knees in the dirt and weeping before the Lord, he is moving in Kisii Highland.
We are continuing the work we planed, that there will be 8 churches in 10 Districts. The total number of churches in our region will reach 13.
The great spiritual hunger of people in Kisii Kenya is graphically demonstrated in the huge crowd's deep interest. It is impossible to describe what is happening here. It seems that the Holy Spirit is being poured out in latter-day strength in this part of Kenya. Minibuses, taxes, Motorcycles, and etc. along with those who walked, brought this massive audience together to hear the good News of Jesus Christ.
We climb mountains, we walk for miles under the heat of the sun. We travel in the rain, and we cross rivers in search of souls for the kingdom. We have no cars. We use our feet and occasionally hired motorcycles and land rovers. We go where even cars cannot go. We do this because we Love our Lord and want Him to come.
We are in total war against sin and the devil. It is time to plead with God for the power of the Holy Spirit. It is time to light the fire of total evangelism around our Districts and Villages, Cities, Schools and Markets. The Outpouring of The SPIRIT: Now is the time for all us: to launch out and tell men and women that the coming King is at the door.
Word is quickly spreading that revival fire is being poured out and that the church is experiencing unusual services. People are beginning to travel from other districts or regions to partake. Prayer created such hunger for God to move that God responded.
Very Truly yours

                                                          Catch the vision: Every Christian a soul winner !


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