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                Use your ministry to build people, not people to build your ministry. --Jacquelyn K. Heasley

                                                      Brazil and Beyond Ministry Update 


We continue to wait out this corona virus doing our best to follow the rules and use our masks, etc.  It would not be wise to try and return to preaching in the clinics this early since there are so many people in such a small place.  We did stop by several weeks ago just to check things out.  They were all in one room doing something and we saw only about two or three people wearing a mask.  Not a good idea.  We will wait on the vaccine.  Meanwhile, we have been using our time as best we can.  I have been preparing more teachings about growing in Christ as well as regular salvation messages.  

The girls and boys at the female/male clinics have made a big turnaround! The first time we went to these clinics, they looked like the walking dead! Now the Lord has brought them encouragement.   If you would like to help us please send your check to Brazil and Beyond Ministries, c/o Ciera Bank, 623 Elm St., Graham, TX.  76450.  We would appreciate it and we will not bug you for more donations.  Thank you.   

As we returned home we could see clouds gathering in the sky, and we don't like traveling fast on the primitive pothole cow trail they call a highway that leads in and out of Monte Carmelo. Fortunately we arrived home just in time, and as we looked out the window suddenly the wind and rain came down in a fury! If you are getting this letter by email you can click the first download link to that video. Later a fellow told us it was the worst storm he had seen in over 30 years. We believe it was the Lord holding back the storm until we could be home safely. This was more than just coincidence!

God Shows Up Again at the Male Clinic in Romaria

Eliane preached from Isiah 44:6 and after that we prayed for them. With the last man in the line the Lord spoke to Eliane and told her the man had curses from his family. He affirmed that was true. As we were praying for deliverance the Holy Spirit showed her a face with the mouth open, angry, and did not want to leave. But with faith, prayer, and in the name of Jesus, the evil spirit came out! Praise the Lord that signs, wonders, and miracles followed the preaching of the word and he was set free and delivered!

On to the female/male clinic just a few days later

We started the new year by going to the ladies clinic which doubled in size and now has as many men as girls. So now we'll call it the female/male clinic. Eliane began sharing the word with Isaias 44:6 – 8. It followed the main idea that God is first, ultimate, and last; and that beyond him there is no other God. Most already had received Jesus. One fellow had been in the services for about 3 weeks, and today as we asked who needed prayer he was in the line. He said, “I want to tell you that I have been listening to you and thinking to come to this Jesus, but he said that he had served him in the past, but his bad habits stopped him. Then he said, “the words have been beating in my heart.” Eliane asked him if he was ready now to repent and make that decision for Christ? He said yes! Then we prayed for him. What a glorious day!


                                                       MINISTRY MOMENTS -   Click to enlarge.

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