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                                                                                Matthew 25:36  "...I was in prison and ye came unto me." 

                                             Any church that is not seriously involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission has forfeited its biblical right to exist." Oswald J. Smith

This inmate's parents rode all day on the bus to visit their son.  They thanked us over and over again for ministering to their son and leading him to the Lord.         Helping to convince him was the fact Eliane knew from the Lord what his crime was.  

Above is Eliane descending steps in the old Archer City Jail.  It looks plenty foreboding.  To the right is a sad looking fellow in the drunk tank.  Oh no!  It looks like brother John and he doesn't appear very happy.  Fortunately the jail is now a museum and we took the tour and yes, they did let me out. 


We have ministered in the Parker County Jail, Navarro County Jail, John R. Lindsey State Jail,  Montague County Jail, and the Archer County Jail, all in Texas.  We have also ministered in thirty-six Brazilian jails, and will be visiting more after moving there permanently. Brother Gastons from the Gideons has been donating the Bibles and because of the large turn over in a county jail, we have given away many Bibles.  The Lord is working with signs wonders and miracles in the jail frequently and to read about them go to the Signs, Wonders, and Miracles page. 


Here's a great witnessing idea. I suggest that when you witness, don't get all uptight about it. A lot of people have already been witnessed to, especially in the United States, and because of one reason or another, have been turned off by it.

So try to see "where that person is coming from" as they say in the vernacular of today. Or as Paul put it in 1 Cor. 9:22, "...I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."  Paul didn't act like them but was able to relate to them.  Maybe your best witnessing tool just might be to tell what God did in your life, and that they also can have a life changing experience with God. Usually people are willing to listen to a story. Yours is probably exciting, but even if it isn't you probably know of one that is. 

Another witnessing tip we've discovered by working the jail ministry is that if you
seek out hurting people, you have a much more receptive audience. Someone who needs and asks for help will listen to the Gospel. Go and seek them out!



On the left is Eliane descending the stairs in the old Archer County jail.  Looks like a real forboding place.  To the right is a real sad faced inmate.  Oh no, it can't be.  Yes it is.  It is really brother John and he is in the drunk tank.  Not to worry though.  Remember this is the OLD Archer County jail which is now a museum.  We took the tour and got to see how jails in the U.S. were at the turn of the century.  The last picture to the right is Eliane preaching at our first jail visit in Brazil.  The man was a convicted murderer who repented and was saved.



               Eliane preaches to inmates in the northern area of the state of Goias


   John with guards at the Novo Brasil jail.  To the right, Eliane preaching to the inmates.


2005 We ministered in several jails in the northeast state of Rio Grande do Norte.  On the right, one inmate is showing a craft he had made while being in the cell.  We tried to motivate  them to use their time in jail to learn from the Bible how to stay out of jail, how to recognize and to avoid situations where the devil tempts us and how he deceives us. 
Preaching to 60 inmates on the border of the state of Paraiba in the  Northeast  of Brazil
                  2005 in the Tangara jail in the state of Rio Grande do Norte
2005 in a Rio Grande do Norte Jail.  Cells are crowded so they hang hammocks in layers to compensate.  Can you see the two inmates up high near the ceiling?
We led  this lady to Christ who had been involved in a grizzly murder.  We didn't even know it at the time until the guard later told us she had been on a TV show similar to America's Most Wanted.  We later saw her picture and complete story in the newspaper
To the left we preached to 60 inmates in a bad crime area near the border of the state of Paraiba.  To the right we are in the state of Goias and the town of Nazarrio in the state of Goias.  This is the recreation area and Eliane called the inmates's little girl to come and help pray for her dad.  What a sad situation!  We tried to put the dad on the right track by leading him in repentance and to salvation through Christ Jesus.    
Here is the Aurilanda jail in Goias.  This Father was greatly concerned about his son being in jail.  To the picture on the right, the young man on the floor was the son of a pastor.  Eliane told him his father was greatly concerned about him, but also his father in heaven was concerned too.  After a lengthy conversation he finally recommitted his life to Christ and resolved to do better. 


Eliane prays for a troubled inmate while his two friends behind listen attentively.
This young lady was pregnant in the Paranuna jail and never heard anything about Jesus.  We told her the Good News and she repented and received Jesus as herLord and Savior.

These two fellows in the Mossamodes jail were receptive to receiving the gospel.  We pass out lot of bibles in these jails.  Eliane is looking at some razor wire for the Ceres jail.  

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