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               We talk of the Second Coming; when half the world has never heard of the first. Oswald J. Smith
 Romans 10:14. "...And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?

Brothers and sisters from the Rock of Helps Church praying over clothes they gave us to take give to poor kids in Brazil.  That's pastor Sonny in the white shirt who mentored us in jail ministry. 

We have some very exciting news to report from the Union Gospel Mission in Ft. Worth, TX. Eliane after ministering there for 8 years on a regular basis, and much to her surprise, was honored as "Minister of the Year" with the mission. She received a lovely plaque and several people whose lives had been changed through her efforts and those of the Union Gospel Mission testified concerning their life changing experiences.

Notice:  We will be adding more photos as time passes, so be sure to check back often.  Also remember the Brazil Mission page will be updated as time passes.  

Catch the vision:  Every Christian a Soul Winner!

   Under the heading JAIL MINISTRY WITH PHOTOS, you can see a few pictures of the jails in that region.  You can enlarge the pictures below by clicking on them.

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