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Romans 10:14. "...And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent?
Eliane and her plaque from the Union Gospel Mission as minister of the year.
We have some very exciting news to report from the Union Gospel Mission in Ft. Worth, TX. Eliane after ministering there for 8 years on a regular basis, and much to her surprise, was honored as "Minister of the Year" with the mission. She received a lovely plaque and several people whose lives had been changed through her efforts and those of the Union Gospel Mission testified concerning their life changing experiences.
We would be glad to minister this anointing at your church. Write to us at P.O. Box 475, Bryson, TX 76427, or email us through the email menu option on the Home Page.
She came to the Union Gospel Mission and was dressed in high topped red boots, bleached hair, and tight short shorts. She took a seat on the front row.
Then as Eliane started the service, she thought she was going to preach a fire and brimestone sermon about sin and salvation. But just as she was getting ready to preach, the Lord spoke to her and said: Preach about Love.
So that's what she did; Eliane preached about love. When she gave the call for salvation, the prostitute was the only one who came to the front that day. But the Bible tells us: Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. Luke 15:10.
As Eliane spoke the sinner's prayer and the girl was repeating it, Eliane noticed that around the girl's neck was a long fresh scar from one side of her neck to the other.
Eliane was wondering while looking at the scar, why the girl hadn't died from that incident. It could only be by the mercy of God.
She came home wondering how in the world will this poor girl would make it, because she would have to go right back living under the bridge, where there is so much sin. But praise God, he was with her and where sin aboundeth, grace did much more abound (Romans 5:20).
Next week the lady returned, and she had a glow upon her face, and was totally transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. She continued attending classes in Christian growth, and as Christmas approached she was dressed totally different. She saw Eliane entering the mission and ran across the street to her with wide open arms. She said to Eliane: "I love you!"
Eliane told her, "Jesus loves you and I do too". The lady eventually graduated from the class, found a job, and a new home off the street. Later Eliane saw her again, telling and being excited about her new church. It all started and ended with: I love you.
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