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John and Eliane ministering to kids at an orphanage in Cidade de Esperanca, in Rio Grande do Norte
            ABOUT US

Eliâne, (pronounced Elly AH ne) was born in Brazil and saved at an early age and baptized in the Holy Spirit at 17 years of age. She was active in her church and taught Sunday School, and married her husband John in Brazil. They both now reside in the United States.

Dr. Gary Barkman the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Christian Church of the United States and Canada has remarked,
“When she preaches, the Holy Spirit shows up."
John did not get saved until after he reached adulthood when he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord. He has been on fire for the things of God ever since.

Their ministry officially got started in 1996 when they took their first mission trip to Brazil. It took them eight years to save enough money to make that first trip and 43 people were saved. Shortly upon returning home they attended the
church business meeting and discovered the church income had increased
about 33% but despite that increase there was not a corresponding increase in the number of new salvations.

This troubled John and it was then he made the decision he was not going to wait another eight years to save enough money to make the next mission trip to Brazil. Instead he was going to take a portion of his tithe and have it placed in a fund in the church for that purpose.
The church leaders agreed. So by 1998 there was enough money to make a second mission trip to Brazil and another in the year 2001.

In the meantime in 1997 John and Eliâne began ministering in the Parker County jail under chaplain Sonny Buckingham in Weatherford, TX and Eliâne ministered in the Union Gospel Mission, a shelter for homeless people, in Fort Worth
, TX. In 2006 she was awarded “Minister of the Year”
by the Union Gospel Mission. John writes and sings gospel songs and finally in 2007 God put it on his heart to share this music ministry on the radio. The first station was KLNG in Omaha, Nebraska.

By the year 2001 a few more people began sharing that same vision for winning the lost in Brazil and what the Bakers were doing here in the United States, and since then they have taken a mission trip to Brazil each
year. Their hearts passion is to work full time ministry as more people begin to share that same vision and become joint harvesters with them, both in prayer and financially.

A very strong anointing accompanies them as they minister, and it keeps growing more powerful. They have preached and taught in jails, homeless shelters, retirement homes, on the street, in crusades, one on one, in hospitals, orphanages, and in churches. They have seen the Lord heal cancer, paralytics, deafness, demonic possession which is very common in Brazil, freedom from drug and alcoholism, and now hundreds get saved on each trip to Brazil.
The Bakers continually make themselves available to minister where ever the Lord opens the door.

God has used Eliane and John to preach the word as the Holy Spirit moves powerfully to save the lost and confirm the word; with signs, wonders, and miracles following.

They have ministered in the following U.S. jails:

Parker County Jail, TX
Navarro County Jail, TX
Currently in the Montague County Jail, TX
John R. Lindsay State Jail, Jacksboro, TX
Archer County Jail, Archer City, TX

In Brazil they have ministered in 29 different jails.

They have ministered in the following churches.

Tolar Assembly of God - Tolar, TX
Cool Assembly of God - Cool, TX
North Side Assembly of God - Corsicana, TX
Good News Revival Center - Weatherford, TX
Harvest Hills Family Church - Weatherford, TX
Trinity Christian Center (Now Oasis of Life) - Graham, TX
Church of the Nazarene - Graham, TX
Union Gospel Church - Ft. Worth, TX
Anneta United Methodist Church - Aledo, TX
Rogersville Full Gospel Church, Rogersville, MO
Seminar - Growth in Christian Living, Graham, TX
International Conference - Evangelical Christian Church of the           U.S. and Canada, Granbury, TX
Faith Family Church, Kaufman, TX
Jesus Name Church, Jacksboro, TX
Rock of Helps Church, Weatherford, TX


Assembly of God, Tangara, Rio Grande do Norte
Assembly of God, Nova Veneza, Goias
Christ Evangelic Church Maanaim, Nova Veneza, Goias
Christ Evangelic Church Maanaim, This church was not located in a town, but was on a ranch way out in  the campo between Nova Veneza and Goianira.
Christ Evangelic Church Maanaim, Catuari, Goias
Evangelic Christian Church, Piraconjuba, Goias
Christ Evangelic Church Maanaim,Goiania, Goias
Igreja Crista Evangelica, Nazario, Goias
Assembly of God, Neropolis, Goias
Christ Evangelic Church Maanaim, Goanira, Gois
Assembly of God, Novo Brasil, Goias
Assembly of God, Itapirapua, Goias
Pentacostal Church of the Holy Spirit, Jussara, Goias
Assembly of God, Rianopolis, Goias
Igreja Cristo do Avivamento Ceres, Goias
Assembly of God, Carmo do Rio Verde, Goias
Assembly of God, Rubiataba, Goias

If you would like them to minister in your church, revival, convention, Bible study, etc. please write to: John and Eliane, Brazil and Beyond Ministries, P.O. Box 475, Bryson TX 76427,
or email us through the email option on the home page.

Feel free to click on the various ministry categories to learn more. Today is the day of salvation!

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