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Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in Brazil with the Lord doing signs, wonders and miracles following the  preaching of the word of God, and helping others in Africa to do the same there. We have moved to Brazil permanently!  See the note below for our new address!

There is joy

               "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."  Luke 15:10

                           Those with the heart of Christ will become either senders or sent ones. John Baker.

 Our mission is: Luke 19:10: For the Son of God is come to seek and to save that which is lost" and 1 John 3:8  "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested.  That he might destroy the works of the devil."

In the menu selections above, click on the titles to see the marvelous things the Lord is doing in this ministry.  We have had trouble with spammers using our "contact option" so if you wish to contact us please use our mailing address: 

 John and Eliane Baker,

 Caixa Postal 193,

 CEP  38500 971, Monte Carmelo,  MG.  BRASIL



We arrived in Brazil to live permanently (July 20, 2016).  On our mission trips we didn't experience much of Brazil's bureaucracy, but now we are getting overwhelmed with it.  The country must be losing thousands of man hours that could be used for productive work and increase efficiency.  Our friends tell us it will get better once we get established.  We will continue to be supporting our affiliates in Africa as best we can with bibles, but won't be able to send more books once the current supply is finished being sent.  A big thank you goes to pastors brother and sister Hayes from the Nazarene Church in Graham, TX for continuing to mail the remaining books for us. You can contact us at the postal address above, and be sure to keep in touch with this site as we tell you more of how the Lord is moving in Brazil and the adventures he takes us through. 


Let me answer your question with another question.  Did you have to go to school to learn how to tell your first lie?  Of course not!  In fact, the answer to that question gives us a real insight into human nature.  Every one of us was born that way.  Guess where we got that ugly nature?  We inherited it from Adam and Eve. 

So we are in a real predicament.  Here we are separated from God because of Adam and Eve's sin, and we can't do anything about it ourselves.  Well thankfully, God is a God of great love and grace and he was willing to pay an awesome price to get us out of this mess.  He took a part of himself and came into the earth as a man, but without the sin nature in him.  This man was Christ Jesus who never sinned and was able to pay the price for the sin of all mankind.  Just as one man (Adam) brought sin into the world, it was Jesus who paid the price to set us free from it.  However, he doesn't force that salvation on us.  We have to make the decision to receive salvation by acknowledging what Christ did on the cross, repenting of our sins from our heart, and receiving him as our Lord and Savior. 

We know this is true and that Jesus is the only way to salvation because the prophecies in the Old Testament predicted his coming and since he is "the same yesterday, today, and forever," he is able to perform the same miracles through his people as he did when he walked on the earth.  Speak this simple prayer to the Lord and mean it from your heart and he will send his Spirit to come and live in you.  Then join a Bible believing church where God's Spirit is moving, and that acknowledges Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior, and begin studying and applying the Bible to your life.  You will be totally transformed.

Say:  Dear Lord Jesus I am a sinner, but I want to change.  I acknowledge that you died for me on the cross and shed your precious blood to pay for my sins.  So I repent of my sins and receive you as my Lord and Savior, and by your grace to help me I will live for you as I study, grow, and apply your word in my life.  Thank you Jesus I am now born again!!

Great free Bible Study websites

I have discovered these great websites where you can download great Bible study material for free. I've checked these sites carefully and find them to be right on target and biblicaly correct. 
When you get to the site, select the language you want. Then click on the course you want to see or download under "Core Courses." To just view the course, left click on it. To download the course, right click on it and then select "save as."

Another site is: 
Select the language you want, then look under "free resources for" and make your selection and follow the menu. You can also download these courses.

As I said, these are excellent courses in Biblical studies. Each has its own style of teaching so be sure and check them out to see which you like the best.

My favorite course for discipleship is by pastor-evangelist Steve Foss. You will want to listen to this course over and over. It's that good and its free!  I've posted the first four lessons at the end of this page for you to sample.  You can get the rest by going to the site and typing in the search area:  Steve Foss Discipleship course.  You will appreciate Steve's knowledge and enthusiasm.  Also, if you want to go even deeper, search the following names at Brian Gerin, Eric Gilmour, Daniel Kolenda, and Michael Dow.  From these sources you can get even more links.  You won't be disappointed!

We have removed our contact form from this site because of spammers.  So if you want to contact us you can use our postal mailing address on the above part of this page.  If you would like to help us financially you can make your check payable to: Brazil and Beyond Ministries and send it to Ciera Bank, 623 Elm St., Graham, TX  76450, and we thank you for your support!


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